DMV Black Restaurant Week - Fox 5
Culture. Education. Good Food.
DMVBRW brings black restaurant owners, managers, chefs, caterers, thought leaders and financiers together into one room to discuss options for entrepreneurial ventures and continuing education. Because we are a global city, DMV Black Restaurant Week will be inclusive with allied partners. The week is just one of our signature events to promote black restaurants, chefs, bartenders, farmers, hospitality professionals, food bloggers and others in the food and beverage space throughout the year. With your help we desire to go even further to recognize existing restaurants and close the gap that exists in knowledge.
WHY DMV Black Restaurant Week?
African-Americans/Blacks make up restaurant owners and the same share of restaurant managers.
National Restaurant Association
Of African-American businesses declined from February to April (2020).
National Bureau of Economic Research
Produced by StreetzMedia
How Patrons Can Participate Every Day:
Give the workers and businesses some GRACE!!
Connect and Engage with workers and owners!
Follow DMVbrw on Social Media and Sign up for Listserv
Let us know the good and positive experiences!
Send us your favorite businesses and workers year-round
Plan a "Meet-Up" at DMVbrw-member restaurant
Have an event? Book with DMVbrw-member caterer
Need to buy a gift? Purchase items from the DMVbrw hospitality retail shops
Just need a break from work and studying? Grab tea, coffee, or a flavored drink - visit DMVbrw-approved coffee/tea/beverage shops